Pre-Publication Services.
• Pre-submission services, such as language editing and translation services can help ensure your manuscript is written and formatted to a high standard in preparation to submit it to your journal of choice.
• High quality printing to ensure clear reproduction of photographs and illustrations
• Typesetting to maintain the standard of the Journal
Note: Use of editing and translation services does not guarantee your manuscript will be peer reviewed or accepted for publication.
Post Publication Services
a) Indexing: We provide online bibliographic records to indexing agencies and secondary aggregating agencies, making the issues instantly available.
b) Our Subscription Agents connects libraries across the globe.
c) We have a comprehensive marketing database and calendar to promote your journal and published content
d) Our team will ensure for more visibility of your published content
e) Our team can maintain your society/Associations member list.
RSS Feeds
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) provides alerts on new publications directly to your PC, without visiting the journal’s website. To sign up for this you will need software such as RSSReader, Feed Demon, FeedReader, My Yahoo!, NewsGator or NewzCrawler. RSS feeds can also be read through FireFox or Microsoft Outlook 2007. Once this (mostly free) software is installed, add the URL as one of the feeds.